Thursday, 21 April 2016

Vietnam - The Tarfy & Lucewah Special

Thickly slathered with gert lush green rice paddies. A plethora of oriental treats like roasted pork and pickle-filled crunchy baguettes, and aromatic noodle soups. And probably the cheapest beer in the world, a mere 30p a glass. Good day to you Vietnam. 
All the ingredients were in the mixer. Lob the headline acts of Tom and Lucy in there for 3 of the 5 weeks we had here, and we had a show on our hands.

Saturday, 9 April 2016

India - from South to North, and the Agonies & Ecstasies in between

India - a country of contrasts. In summary. It'll serenade your senses with its spice-rich curries that melt you to your undersized stool, then punch you square in the stomach, serving up 20-a-day Diarrhoea (just in time for a 30 hour train). It will teach you the positive ways Buddhism leads people to treat other beings, yet rip up that rule book when you see a stray dog being booted by a shop owner. And what would an India summary be without a smel-aphor, it'll shower you with incense smoke and lotus flower aromas, then regurgitate cow and human shit across every street, with often no smellual respite. Yup, it's been the most colourful part of our journey, and we'll miss it as much as we won't.